Section updates
Adult Reconstructive and Arthritis Surgery | Pediatrics | Sports Medicine
Update from Adult Reconstructive and Arthritis Surgery (ARAS)
By Jon Minter, DO, FAOAO
Greetings from Atlanta, Georgia! We had a highly successful meeting that was well attended in Nashville this last spring. We received a number of highly favorable comments following the session that was remarkably well attended on the final day. Our section luncheon was also quite productive and I would encourage all members of the section, interested potential members and residents, to attend these. It is amazing the differences in the administration of medical practices as well as clinical practice across the country and it is always very enlightening to visit freely about what is going on outside of the lecture assembly hall in the setting of this luncheon.
In Chicago this year, Dr. Bryan Hooks from Pittsburgh will be our session’s moderator. The lectures have been approved by our committee process and it is apparent that the focus will be specific targeted points concerning rapid recovery, care paths for ambulatory surgery and bundles payment models in the first half of the section meeting. This is the “hot” area of orthopedics and you will not want to miss these informative lectures. The second half will be devoted to surgical technique specifics, nutrition as well as informed consent. There will also be time for interesting case presentations, of course.
We look forward to seeing you in Chicago. Also, I want to urge all of our section members to actively seek out the officers in the section and our AOAO committee members to let us know that you are willing to step up and take a stronger role in the section as a lecturer or an ARAS officer. The future of our section and the AOAO rests on your shoulders. See you in Chicago!
Section Update – Pediatrics
By Julieanne P. Sees, DO, FAOAO
Greetings to all the new Pediatric Fellowship Graduates, and a sincere welcome to the start of our new academic year to the entire Pediatric Family!
On behalf of the Pediatric Section officers, it is a great honor to spread the osteopathic heart and hand to all. We are very pleased with having a successful last year, including support at our AOAO 2016 Annual Meeting and the 2017 Postgraduate Seminar. This section has also had success with numerous volunteer projects and academic presentations. As a section, we will continue to look ahead to expanding with newly graduated residents/fellows, focusing on our educational meetings, extending our partnership and collaboration with POSNA, and covering a broad range of subjects of interest to our diverse membership of surgeons, trainees, and students.
The Pediatric Section is tremendously excited about our session during the October 2017 AOAO Annual Meeting in Chicago. Our educational lineup is simply outstanding with Alison Gattuso, DO, giving us information about Concussion and Overuse in Athletes, John Schlechter, DO, informing us about the hottest grafts, portals, and scope vs. open tricks in the sports arena, Joseph Rosenblatt, DO, providing insight into Limb Deformity Correction and Meagan Fernandez, DO, discussing Length of Bracing, Hospital Stay and Surgery Level. After the coffee break we will have Daniel Ruggles, DO, sharing his own experience on practicing pediatric orthopedics abroad, Michael Forness, DO, giving us his career evolution of the Treatment of Congenital Malformation in the Lower Extremity in Children, and last but certainly not least Jeffrey Mikutis, DO helping us solve the spooky mystery of Where's the Pus? Find it or it Finds You!
Please join us, especially if you are new to the Pediatric Section, for our session on Friday, October 13 from 7:00 am to 11:00 am where I will be moderating, and then plan to attend our section lunch meeting following the session.
We look forward to an exciting year ahead! Cheers!
Section Update - Sports Medicine
By Jesse L. Pace, DO
I would like to update you on the current status of the sports section. We are currently proceeding with compiling questions in a effort to have a Subspecialty Certification (CAQ) sports exam in the near future. I am pleased with the progress we have made over the past few months.
We are also currently broadening our question bank and hope to have enough questions to submit for a test in the near future. I would like to thank all those who have been involved in this endeavor, as we have been working on this diligently for the last couple of years.
I would also like to encourage everyone to get involved and join a section of the AOAO. If you are not a member of the Sports Section I would like to encourage you to do so. I would also like to encourage all to attend the sports session during the fall AOAO Annual Meeting. We have a good program scheduled with great speakers that will help improve your knowledge of the sports medicine sub-specialty. The residual strength of the AOAO critically depends on member involvement and participation.
Finally, I would like to personally thank all those who have worked diligently (both members and administration) to make the Sports Section and the AOAO a success. Please make every effort to attend the sports session on Thursday, October 12 from 12 noon to 4:00 pm.