executive director's message
For AOAO, There's Never a "Slow Time"
By Lee Vander Lugt, DO, FAOAO
My how time flies! Some students are back in the classroom and all the Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine have had their “white coat” ceremonies, signifying the start of the new academic year. I hope all of you had an enjoyable summer with your families.
For AOAO staff, it never seems like there is a “slow time.” As soon as the last CME meeting is wrapped up, more urgent work ramps up for the next meeting. And then there are ongoing “special projects” that never seem to end. Compiling and reviewing resident logs takes a lot of time during this season. Please, when you have a chance, thank all of the hard working staff at AOAO headquarters.
Since engaging a social media consultant, our presence on Facebook, Twitter (search aoaodocs), Instagram (search aoaodocs) and LinkedIn has dramatically increased. We encourage you to follow the AOAO as we will use these sites to communicate with our members on a regular basis.
I am pleased to inform you that one of our AOAO members has been selected to receive the prestigious Emerging Leader Award from the AOA. Please help me in congratulating Julie Sees, DO, FAOAO, the recipient of this year’s honor which will be presented at the American Osteopathic Foundation Gala during OMED this fall. As any of Julie’s colleagues knows, she is more than deserving of this award. Also congratulations to Eric Huish, DO, who was selected to receive the Osteopathic Resident Award in Orthopedic Surgery by the American Osteopathic Foundation and the AOAO. Dr. Huish is a resident at Valley Community Hospital. Likewise, Dr. Huish will receive this award during the Foundation Gala.
The AOAO continues to be an active participant on the Affiliate Realignment Task Force of the AOA. This group has been meeting for the last six months working to clearly define the relationship between the AOA and their affiliates, both state and specialties. Over the years, this relationship has had its ups and downs, but with the introduction of modern affiliation models, it is the hope of all affiliates to agree on a model that works for the good of all parties.
The implementation of the Single Accreditation System has been a frustrating process to say the least. To assist our Program Directors in this process, we will be hosting an opportunity for one on one consultations with Pamela L. Derstine, PhD, MHP, Executive Director of the orthopedic review committee. These meetings will take place at our Annual Meeting in Chicago. It is our goal to see more programs attain initial accreditation following the January 2018 review committee meeting.
Please be sure to join your friends and colleagues in Chicago for our Annual Meeting. Registration and program information is available HERE.
Ronald R. Blanck, DO, Lieutenant General, US Army, Retired will be our Keynote Speaker on Friday, October 13 at 11:00 am. During his distinguished military career, Dr. Blanck also served as commander of Walter Reed Medical Center, North Atlantic Region Medical Command and Director of Professional Services and Chief of Medical Corps Affairs for the U.S. Army Surgeon General.
The CME, along with the Residents and Fellows Committees, have assembled a first class educational program. We will have sixteen new Fellows being honored at the Awards Ceremony on Thursday, October 12 at 4:30 p.m. Please plan to attend and help us recognize these individuals for their contributions to the Academy and their communities.
- David C. Angelillo, DO
Sponsor: Sean McMillan, DO, FAOAO - Lawrence I. Barr, DO
Sponsor: Robert G. Ranelle, DO, FAOAO - Sarkis M. Bedikian, DO
Sponsor: James R. Ingram, DO, FAOAO - Scott L. Buckel, DO
Sponsor: Stefan Sinco, DO, FAOAO - Richard L. Crank Jr., DO
Sponsor: James R. Ingram, DO, FAOAO - Daniel C. Eby, DO
Sponsor: James R. Ingram, DO, FAOAO - Derek L. Hill, DO
Sponsor: John J. McPhilemy, DO, FAOAO - Eric J. Letonoff, DO
Sponsor: Christopher B. Najarian, DO, FAOAO - Christiaan N. Mamczak, DO
Sponsor: Carl Mogil, DO, FAOAO - Amanda Martin, DO
Sponsor: Sean McMillan, DO, FAOAO - James Nace, DO, MPT
Sponsor: John J. McPhilemy, DO, FAOAO - William E. Neway III, DO
Sponsor: Dennis C. Blackburn, DO, FAOAO - Daniel K. Ruggles, DO
Sponsor: Wade Faerber, DO, FAOAO - Peter A. Sarkos, DO
Sponsor: Fred McAlpin, DO, FAOAO - Michael P. Schmidt, DO
Sponsor: Charles Taunt, DO, FAOAO - John W. Witczak, DO
Sponsor: James R. Ingram, DO, FAOAO