New Techniques: Are They Really Better?

Program Chair
A valid question. Have the new techniques proven superior advances? What is the typical learning curve? What are the cost implications? Will your hospital cover these expenses? These questions and many more will be addressed at the AOAO Annual Meeting.
This year we return to the “Windy City”. Lectures and accommodations will be at the iconic Sheraton Grand Chicago hotel overlooking the city to the North and the Chicago River to the South. This central location provides easy access by taxi or a leisurely walk to a myriad of after conference activities.
Our CME Committee, led by Dennis Blackburn, DO, FAOAO, have put together another enlightening educational program. We anticipate 20+ hours of AOA Category 1-A credits in an intimate, congenial atmosphere. Award recipients and new fellows will be recognized during our annual Awards Ceremony, to be held on Thursday, October 12.