Doctor Locator
Doctor Locator Results
Number of records found: 45
Name | City | State | Office Phone | Specialty | Website | |
1 | Clint Basener DO | Tulsa | OK | 918 583-4400 | Sports |
website |
2 | Harold Battenfield DO, FAOAO | Tulsa | OK | 918-743-6575 | Hand |
3 | Paul Bizzle DO, FAOAO | Tahlequah | OK | 918-453-0023 | Hand and Sports |
4 | Brian Chalkin DO | Tulsa | OK | 918-582-6800 | Hand |
5 | R. Charboneau DO | Ada | OK | 5895590510 | ||
6 | Marchel Clements DO, FAOAO | Broken Arrow | OK | 918-392-1400 | Foot and Ankle |
website |
7 | Jerry Cole DO | Broken Arrow | OK | 918 485-1393 | Hand |
8 | Chad Crawley DO | Tulsa | OK | 918 579-2300 | website | |
9 | Richard Drake DO | Tulsa | OK | 9185740220 | Spine |
10 | Jeffrey Duncan DO | altus | ok | 580 379-6500 | ||
11 | Tom Ewing DO, FAOAO | Duncan | OK | 4056275673 | Hand |
website |
12 | Ryan Gursky DO | Tulsa | OK | 918-494-4460 | ||
13 | Chad Hanson DO | Tulsa | Ok | 810-441-7445 | ||
14 | John Hughes DO, FAOAO | Oklahoma City | OK | 405-682-5351 | ||
15 | Paul Jacob DO | Oklahoma City | OK | 405 424-5426 | website | |
16 | Patrick Kelly DO | Woodward | OK | 334-208-1937 | General |
17 | Clint Kirk DO | Lawton | OK | 580-357-3671 | ||
18 | Sarat Kunapuli DO | Tulsa | Ok | 918-927-3226 | Adult |
website |
19 | Ronald LaButti DO, FAOAO | Tulsa | OK | 918-927-3226 | Adult |
website |
20 | Richard Langerman Jr., DO | Oklahoma City | OK | 405-632-4468 | Foot and Ankle |
website |
21 | Corey Mayo DO | Edmond | OK | 405 350-6770 | General |
22 | Kyle McGivern DO | Oklahoma City | OK | 405-445-0155 | website | |
23 | Jeffrey Morris DO, FAOAO | Tulsa | OK | 918-583-4400 | Sports and Adult |
24 | Therron Nichols DO | Okmulgee | OK | 918-756-9266 | General |
25 | Brent Nossaman DO | Tulsa | OK | 9186339439 | Hand |
26 | M. O'Brien DO, FAOAO | Oklahoma City | OK | 405-759-2663 | Sports |
27 | Brian Ogg DO | Claremore | OK | 918-343-8574 | General |
website |
28 | Larry Olsen DO | Oklahoma City | OK | 405 733-8000 | Sports |
29 | Victor Palomino DO | Tulsa | OK | 918-582-6800 | Sports |
30 | Kris Parchuri DO | Tulsa | OK | 918-286-3124 | Spine |
website |
31 | Dereck Peery DO | Ardmore | OK | 580 223-7200 | Spine |
32 | Gregory Pickett DO | Altus | OK | 580 379-6500 | ||
33 | Bradley Reddick DO | Oklahoma City | OK | 405-632-4468 | Adult |
website |
34 | Steven Sands DO | Oklahoma City | OK | 4056353511 | Trauma |
website |
35 | Travis Small DO | Tulsa | OK | 918-494-4460 | website | |
36 | Glenn Smith DO, FAOAO | Oklahoma City | OK | 405-627-2304 | Sports |
37 | Jason Sparks DO | Tulsa | OK | 539 664-4448 | Spine |
38 | Blake Stepanovich DO | Oklahoma City | OK | 4056324468 | website | |
39 | Wesley Stotler DO | Tulsa | OK | 918-392-1400 | Foot and Ankle |
40 | Timothy Teske DO | Enid | OK | 580 233 6707 | General |
41 | Zane Uhland DO | Oklahoma City | OK | 405 418-4500 | Sports |
website |
42 | Lee Vander Lugt DO, FAOAO, FAOA | Chickasha | OK | General |
43 | Robert Vogel DO | Norman | OK | 9184942665 | Hand |
website |
44 | Rick Walker DO | Tulsa | OK | 4792630508 | ||
45 | Gregory Zeiders DO, FAOAO | Edmond | OK | 405-753-1100 | Sports and Adult |
website |